1. Charles Dotter: interventional radiologist;Friedman,2005
2. Transluminal extraction of catheter and guide fragments from the heart and great vessels: 29 collected cases;Dotter;Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med,1971
3. Urokon sodium 50%, hypaque 50%, renograffin 59.7% for intravenous urography: experimental, clinical comparison;Dotter;Radiologica,1956
4. Left ventricular and systemic arterial catheterization: A simple percutaneous method using a spring guide;Dotter;Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med,1960
5. Transluminally placed coil-spring endarterial tube grafts: long term patency in canine popliteal artery;Dotter;Invest Radiol,1969