1. Recent developments in the use and abuse of growth promoters
2. H.F. De Brabander, Thesis Ghent University, Ghent Belgium, 1984.
3. Analysis of anti-hormones
4. Koninklijk besluit 12.04.1974 betreffende sommige verrichtingen in verband met stoffen met hormonale, anti-hormonale, anabole, beta-adrenergische, anti-infectieuze, anti-parasitaire en anti-inflammatoire werking (1974), available online on: http://www.favv.be/sp/pa-sa/doc/leg-vet/1974-04-12_ETD_KB.pdf, last update August 2000.
5. Council Directive 81/602/EC, Off. J. Eur. Commun. L 222 (1981) 32.