1. C.A. Quiroga, E.G. Fernando, J.H. Oh, Energy Developments and the Transportation Infrastructure in Texas: Impacts and Strategies, Report 0-6498-1, TTI, TX, USA, 2012.
2. Angela K. Brown (2016). “Record Heat Scorches Texas”. ABC News, Fort Worth, Texas. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=95877&page=1, Accessed July 2017.
3. Walubita et al. (2014c). HMA Shear Resistance, Permanent Deformation, and Rutting Tests for Texas Mixes: Final Year-2 Report. Technical Report FHWA/TX-15/0-6744-2. Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, TX-77843, USA.
4. Walubita et al. (2014a). Tech Memo Task 5&6: Development of a Supplementary HMA Rutting-Shear Test and Sensitivity Evaluation – The Simple Punching Shear Test (SPST). Tech Memo submitted to TxDOT on March 3rd, 2014. TTI, College Station, TX, USA.
5. Walubita et al. (2014b). HMA Shear Resistance, Permanent Deformation, and Rutting Tests for Texas Mixes: Year-1 Report. Technical Research Report 0-6744-1. TTI – The Texas A&M University System, College Station, TX, USA.