1. CSTB, Guide technique – Transfert d’humidité à travers les parois – Evaluer les risques de condensation, September 2009.
2. NF EN ISO 12572, Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products – determination of water vapour transmission properties, 2001, P50-763.
3. NF EN 12086, Thermal insulating products for building applications – determination of water vapour transmission properties, P75-215, May 2013.
4. NF EN 1931, Flexible sheets for waterproofing – bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing – determination of water vapour transmission properties, P84-119, October 2000.
5. NF ISO 2528, Sheet materials – determination of water vapour transmission rate – gravimetric (dish) method, H00-030, September 2001.