1. WHO, WHA42.36 Prevention and control of diabetes mellitus, Available at www.who.int/entity/diabetes/publications/en/wha_resol42.36.pdf, 1989 (accessed 26.03.09).
2. IDF, Diabetes Care and Research in Europe: The St. Vincent Declaration 1989, Available at http://idf.org/home/index.cfm?node=839, 1989 (accessed 26.03.09).
3. DOTA, Declaration of the Americas on Diabetes, Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organisation 30 (1996) 263–265.
4. International Diabetes Federation – Western Pacific Regional Office, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, The Western Pacific Declaration on Diabetes 2000–2005 (2001).
5. International Diabetes Federation – Western Pacific Regional Office, World Health Organisation Regional Office for the Western Pacific and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Plan of Action for the Western Pacific Declaration on Diabetes 2000–2005 (2001).