1. T.C. Core, J.F. Harkee, B. Misra, K. Sato, Heat transfer studies, WADD TR 60-239, Aerojet-General Corporation, Wright Air Development Center, September, 1959.
2. C.C. Wright, H.H. Walters, Single tube heat transfer tests – gaseous and liquid hydrogen, WADC TR 59-423, Wright Air Development Center, August, 1959.
3. J.P. Lewis, J.H. Goodykoontz, J.F. Kline, Boiling heat transfer to liquid hydrogen and nitrogen in forced flow, NASA TN D-1314, Lewis Research Center, September, 1962.
4. R.C. Hendricks, R.W. Graham, Y.Y. Hsu, R. Friedman, Experimental heat transfer and pressure drop of liquid hydrogen flowing through a heated tube, NASA TN-D-765, May, 1961.
5. R.C. Hendricks, R.W. Graham, Y.Y. Hsu, R. Friedman, Experimental heat-transfer results for cryogenic hydrogen flowing in tubes at subcritical and supercritical pressures to 800 pounds per square inch absolute, NASA TN-D-3095, March, 1966.