1. M. Crozier and E. Friedberg, L'acteur et le système, Le Seuil, Paris, page 107.
2. The word ‘scenario’ was introduced to futures studies by H. Kahn in his book The Year 2000; however, scenarios of a literary genre can be found in, eg Anatole France, L' Ile des Pingouins; George Orwell, 1984; Jules Verne, etc.
3. Une image de la France en l'an 2000. Scénario de l'inacceptable;French Documentation, Collection TRP No 20,1971
4. All these developments are published, at regular intervals, in Futures (in the UK) and Technological Forecasting and Social Change (in the USA)
5. Analyse structurelle, impacts croisés: micmac et smic 10 ans après;Barrand,1984