1. Internet2 IP backbone capacity augment practice, http://www.internet2.edu/policies/ip-backbone-capacity-augment-practice/.
2. G. Bell, M. Ernst, HEP community summer study 2013 computing frontier: networking, in: Snowmass’2013.
3. K. Bergman, V. Chan, D. Kilper, I. Monga, G. Porter, K. Rauschenbach, Scaling terabit networks: Breaking through capacity barriers and lowering cost with new architectures and technologies, in: NSF Workshop, 2013.
4. ESnet Strategic Plan, http://www.es.net/assets/Uploads/ESnet-Strategic-Plan-March-2-2013.pdf.
5. Biological and Environmental Research Network Requirements, Nov. 2012, http://www.es.net/assets/pubs_presos/BER-Net-Req-Review-2012-Final-Report.pdf.