1. Science Daily. Dawn of the anthropocene epoch? Earth has entered new age of geological time, experts say, 26th March, 2010, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100326101117.htm (retrieved 10th May, 2010).
2. This is the starting point for R. Slaughter, The biggest wake up call in history, Foresight International, Brisbane, 2010, see: http://www.richardslaughter.com.au.
3. A. Wood, The fraud of global warning, The Australian, July 19, 2006, 1.
4. Slaughter, 2010, op cit chapter 3 explores the question ‘Is overshoot and collapse credible?’ It concludes that it is and, moreover, can be conceptualised as a ‘structural reality.’ But nor does it necessarily connote a ‘gloom and doom’ outlook.
5. A safe operating space for humanity;Rockstrom;Nature,2009