1. Brazilian Association of Big Industrial Energy Consumers (ABRACE), 2003. Notícias, available at http://www.abrace.org.br/clipping/noticia.asp?IdClip=7659
2. National Bank of Social and Economic Development (BNDES), 2002. Privatização no Brazil, 1990/2002, extracted from www.bndes.gov.br/conhecimento/publicacoes/Priv_Gov)
3. Brazilian Reference Center on Biomass (CENBIO), 2000. Identification of Opportunities for the Transfer of Biomass Technologies, Report prepared for ECN, São Paulo.
4. Eletrobrás, 2003. Programa Luz no Campo (Light in the Countryside Program), www.eletrobras.gov.br/EM_Programas_LuzCampo/luzCampo.asp
5. Goldemberg, J., 2000. Personal communication.