1. AENOR, Spanish technical standards: Standard UNE 153010:2003: Subtitled through teletext, Standard UNE 153020:2005: Requirements for audio description and Standard UNE 139804:2007 Requirements for the use of Spanish Sign Language on computer networks. Available from http://www.aenor.es.
2. Chinchilla, M. (2002). El Papel De Los Museos En La Conservación Y Difusión Del Patrimonio Histórico. Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio.
3. Colazzo, S., Garzotto, F., & Paolini, P. (2005). Let’s go mobile! Design issues in multichannel accessible applications for cultural heritage. In J. Trant & D. Bearman (Eds.), Museums and the web 2005: Proceedings. Available from http://www.archimuse.com/mw2005/papers/colazzo/colazzo.html [online, ref. de 26 March 2008].
4. International Organization for Standardization: ISO TS 16071-2003 refer to software accessibility.
5. Kaitavuori, K. (2008). From accessibility to participation. In Conference publication of making cultural heritage truly inclusive conference. Available from http://www.cultureforall.info/articles [online, ref. 24 March 2008].