2. Pazarcık 2 Nolu Aile Sağlığı Merkezi
AIM: This study aims to determine the knowledge levels of medical faculty interns on dyslexia.
METHODS: This studywas conducted on 252 medical interns of the Gaziantep University School of Medicine between 15th-20th September 2021.Sociodemographic and educational characteristics were recorded and a questionnaire about their knowledge levels on dyslexia was performed. A total of 20 questions were scored on 20 points.
RESULTS: Of the students, 144 (57.1%) were men, 108 (42.9%) were women with a mean overall age of 24.65±1.78 (min=21, max=39) years. ‘Have you ever heard about dyslexiabefore?’ was answered with ‘yes’ by 235(93.3%) participants while 17 (6.7%) responded ‘no’. Of the interns, 68 (27.0%) reported having recieved a training on dyslexia and 184(73.0%) did not. The mean dyslexia knowledge score of participants was 9.45± 2.46 (min=0, max=17). Of the interns, 235 (93.3%) approved the proposition ‘Dyslexia is a special learning disorder’. The most commonly mistaken proposition was‘Using colourful objects and overlays helps in dyslexia’which was approved by 163(64.7%) participants while85 (33.7%) did not state an opinion. Another mistaken proposition was ‘Eye tracking exercises are effective in difficulties due to dyslexia’ which was approved by 159(63.1%) interns while 87(34.5%) reported no idea.
CONCLUSIONS: We have determinedthat there were significant knowledge deficiencies on dyslexia among medical interns.This may stem from the fact that only a minority of them had recieved training on dyslexia. It is of great importance that the universities and Ministries of Education and Health perform shared projects and employ the media as effective methods forthis issue.
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information-.html (Erişim Tarihi:20.06. 2021)
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