Cloning and functional expression of dipeptidyl peptidase IV from the ruminal bacterium Prevotella albensis M384T


Walker Nicola D.1,McEwan Neil R.1,Wallace R. John1


1. Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen AB21 9SB, UK


Ruminal bacteria of the genusPrevotellaplay a crucial role in peptide breakdown in the rumen, a component of protein catabolism that leads to the inefficient use of dietary protein by ruminant animals. This is the first report of the cloning of a peptidase gene from a ruminal bacterium. Part of the dipeptidyl peptidase type IV (DPP-IV) gene fromPrevotella albensisM384Twas cloned using degenerate primers designed from conserved regions found within other known DPP-IV sequences. Flanking regions were determined by genomic walking. The DPP-IV gene was expressed inEscherichia coli. The cloned enzyme required a free N terminus and catalysed the removal of X-Pro dipeptide from proline-containing oligopeptides, where proline was the second residue from the N terminus. It was inhibited by serine protease inhibitors and the substrate analogue for mammalian DPP-IV, diprotin A. The properties of the cloned enzyme were similar to those of the native form inP. albensisand, in general, DPP-IVs from other organisms. The enzyme contained a conserved motif which is associated with the S9 class of prolyl oligopeptidases. The DPP-IV gene appeared not to be part of a contiguous operon. Regions with similarity to other putative promoters ofPrevotellaspp. were also identified. Construction of a phylogenetic tree demonstrated that the DPP-IV ofP. albensisclusters with other DPP-IVs found in bacteria of theCytophagaFlexibacterBacteroidaceae(CFB) phylum, which are more closely related to eukaryotic DPP-IVs than the DPP-IV-like enzyme (PepX) of the lactic acid bacteria.


Microbiology Society









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