1. Pôle des Maladies Infectieuses, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille and URMITE UMR CNRS-IRD 6236, IFR48, Faculté de Médecine, Université de la Méditerranée, Boulevard Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille Cedex 05, Marseille, France
Two isolates of intra-amoeba-growing bacteria, LegAT ( = DSM 24804T = CSUR P146T) and LegMT ( = DSM 24805T = CSUR P145T), were characterized on the basis of microscopic appearance, staining characteristics, axenic growth at different temperatures and the sequences of the mip, rpoB, 16S rRNA and rnpb genes, as well as the 23S–5S region. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these two isolates lay within the radius of the family
. Furthermore, the analysis of these genes yielded congruent data that indicated that, although strain LegMT clusters specifically with
Legionella feeleii
ATCC 35072T and LegAT clusters with
Legionella nautarum
ATCC 49596T, the divergence observed between these species was greater than that observed between other members of the family. Taken together, these results support the proposal that these two isolates represent novel members of the genus
, and we propose to name them Legionella tunisiensis sp. nov. for LegMT ( = DSM 24805T = CSUR P145T) and Legionella massiliensis sp. nov. for LegAT ( = DSM 24804T = CSUR P146T).
General Medicine,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Microbiology
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20 articles.