1. Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Macromoléculaires, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 31 Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 Marseille Cedex 20, France
Release of colicin A was studied inEscherichia colicells that differed in expressing thecolicinAlysis protein (Cal). Pools of released and unreleased colicin A were harvested throughout colicin A induction. The amount of colicin A in each pool varied with the time of induction, allowing the definition of two sequential steps in colicin A release, one of which was dependent on Cal. Each step of colicin A release was differently affected in cells containing Cal mutants in which the N-terminal cysteine residue was substituted by either proline or threonine, preventing them from being acylated and matured. These Cal mutants were only observed indegPcells, indicating that the DegP protease cleaved the unacylated precursor of Cal. Cal was found in the insoluble fraction of the pools of released and unreleased colicin A together with the hetero-oligomers of colicin A and porins (colicins Au). The biogenesis of colicins Au was studied in temperature-sensitivesecAandsecYstrains and found to be Sec-independent, indicating that they are formed by newly synthesized colicin A binding to mature porins already incorporated in the outer membrane. Cal is a lipoprotein similar to VirB7, a constituent of the type IV secretion system. It would interact with colicins Au to constitute the colicin A export machinery.
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