Healthcare organisations are in dire need of a culture in which nursing employees are dedicated, motivated, and strongly associated with their sacred profession. This calls for strengthening the quality of the work life of nurses, which is an antecedent of organisational commitment. However, a number of studies that have explored the relationship between quality of work life and organisational commitment as moderated by organisational culture have been conducted in western countries and are very limited in hospital settings, so they cannot be generalised to the Kenyan hospital setting. Thus, the current study focused on the moderating effect of organisation culture on the relationship between quality of work life and organisational commitment of the nurses in the public hospitals in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study adopted a causal research design with a target population of 926 nurses and a sample size of 274 nurses drawn from the county and subcounty hospitals in Bungoma County, calculated by using the Morgan table (1970). Data was collected through a questionnaire and analysed using inferential statistics using SPSS version 25. From the findings, the beta values for safe and healthy working conditions (0.033), work-life balance (0.015), and reward system (0.01) There is a significant moderating effect of organisational culture on the relationship between quality of work life and organisational commitment amongst nurses in public hospitals in Bungoma County. Therefore, amidst the strengthening of quality of work life practices, public hospitals should strive to have their vision, mission, and objectives understood by all employees. Besides, there is a need to create an environment that promotes diversity and inclusion for teamwork and reactions to the concerns of the nurses as a means of enhancing organisational commitment as an outcome of quality of work life.
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