1. Cardiac Arrhythmias: Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatments
2. Cardiac Sarcolemmal Ion Channels and Transporters as Possible Targets for Antiarrhythmic and Positive Inotropic Drugs: Strategies of the Past-Perspectives of the Future
3. Radiofrequency ablation: technological trends, challenges, and opportunities
4. 饶炼, 褚庆民, 洪创雄. 桃仁红花煎加减方治疗围产期心肌病并发反复室速室颤1例[J]. 中国中西医结合杂志, 2022, 42(6): 762-763.
5. 谭巨浪, 胡晓军, 张臻, 等. 桃仁红花煎联合伊伐布雷定治疗血络瘀阻型持续性房颤的临床效果[J]. 中国当代医药, 2021, 28(16): 178-183.