1. 王玉孝, 沈延梅, 李春梅, 等. 血小板聚集率与冠心病患者病情严重程度的关系研究[J]. 实用心脑肺血管病杂志, 2020, 28(11): 19-22, 30.
2. 刁世亮, 李晓平. 阿司匹林与氯吡格雷治疗老年冠心病的疗效分析[J]. 世界复合医学, 2021, 7(8): 166-169.
3. 中华医学会心血管分会动脉粥样硬化与冠心病学组, 中华医学心血管病学分会介入心脏病学组, 中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会血栓防治专业委员会, 等. 冠心病双联抗血小板治疗中国专家共识[J]. 中华心血管病杂志, 2021, 49(5): 432-454.
4. Prospective observational cohort study of the association between antiplatelet therapy, bleeding and thrombosis in patients with coronary stents undergoing noncardiac surgery
5. The Inhibitory Effect of Platelet Aggregation Ability Assessed by the Platelet Aggregatory Threshold Index in a Patient with Recurrent Stent Thrombosis