1. The Plasma Renin Test Reveals the Contribution of Body Sodium-Volume Content (V) and Renin-Angiotensin (R) Vasoconstriction to Long-Term Blood Pressure
2. Acute and chronic regulation of aldosterone production
3. Narrative Review: The Emerging Clinical Implications of the Role of Aldosterone in the Metabolic Syndrome and Resistant Hypertension
4. Sztechman, D., Czarzasta, K., Cud-noch-Jedrzejewska, A., Szczepanska-Sadowska, E. and Zera, T. (2018) Aldosterone and Mineralocorticoid Receptors in Regulation of the Cardiovascular System and Pathological Remodelling of the Heart and Arteries. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 69, 829-845.
5. Aldosterone, organ damage and dietary salt