1. Russell, J.S. (1845) On Waves, Report of the 14th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. John Murray, London, 311-390.
2. Boussinesq, J. (1872) Theorie des ondes et des remous qui se propagent le long d'un canal rectangulaire horizontal en communiquant au liquide contenu dans ce canal des vitesses sensiblement pareilles de la surface au fond. Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 17,55-108.
3. Global existence of smooth solutions and stability of solitary waves for a generalized Boussinesq equation
4. Local Solutions in Sobolev Spaces with Negative Indices for the “Good” Boussinesq Equation
5. Local well-posedness for quadratic nonlinear Schrödinger equations and the ``good'' Boussinesq equation