Promoting Domestic Production of Fish Using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)


Kwadwo Amponsah Shadrack,Guilherme Luiz


With the increasing global population and its associated high demand for fish protein, engineers are under pressure to develop systems that can maximise and intensify production of fish in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. This demand is escalated in the face of pandemics like the novel Covid-19, which have had serious toll on global food production and availability. The increasing fish demand over the years has caused the emergence of new aquaculture technologies such as the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). These fishponds are constructed in a way to ensure the efficient use of water. A technology extensively researched and developed by Brazilian researchers; the RAS technology has now been widely adapted to some developing countries in the sub-Saharan African sub region. Learning from the Brazilian and Ghanaian experiences, this chapter provides valuable information on these aquaculture production technologies and offers useful guidelines on their operation and management. The chapter also gives some highlight on available opportunities to better harness the RAS technology to promote sustainable food and nutritional security whiles improving on the general livelihood of adopters.



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