Nogueira de Sousa Rodrigo,Angélica Moreira Lílian
This chapter examines soil analysis, fertility management, and integrated soil management (ISM) practices that are critical to sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. It highlights the importance of detailed soil analysis—covering physical, chemical, and biological aspects—to inform decisions about fertilization, irrigation, and crop management. The discussion extends to soil nutrient dynamics, emphasizing how accurate analysis identifies imbalances and deficiencies that affect crops. ISM is presented as a holistic strategy that combines multiple dimensions of soil health to improve agricultural resilience. Practices such as conservation tillage, organic matter addition, and crop rotation are shown to increase soil fertility and achieve ecological goals, including biodiversity and carbon sequestration. In addition, the chapter advocates sustainable fertilization within ISM, promoting precision agriculture and 4R nutrient stewardship (right source, rate, time, place) to balance productivity with environmental stewardship. It aims to provide a comprehensive guide to modern soil management techniques that enhance productivity while ensuring soil health and sustainability, and emphasizes the integration of scientific knowledge with practical approaches to address global environmental and food security challenges.
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2 articles.