Nurbek Fayzullo Ugli Normurodov,Nigmat Rustamovich Ashurov
In this work, a biodegradable graft copolymer based on linear low-density polyethylene grafted maleic anhydride and gelatin (LLDPE-g-MA/Gel) was formed by reactive mixing of functionalized polyethylene with gelatin to achieve finely dispersed blend morphology. Using a selection of components of the mixture, we studied its morphology and thermal properties. It was found that the thermal stability (initial temperature) of the composition decreases as the amount of gelatin increases due to the degradation of gelatin. In the temperature range of 400–500°C, the maximum rate of destruction of the graft copolymer increases significantly with increasing gelatin content. Samples with the same composition were selected using a Brabender plastograph, and a mechanical mixer, and when taken at different speeds, the morphological structure of the samples was determined to depend on their mixing speed. It was found that the morphological structure, with the increase in speed, the two components react well, and the particles become smaller.
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