Dacryocystitis and its management


Bhanwala Sindhuja


The lacrimal apparatus drains into the inferior meatus of the nose via the nasolacrimal duct. Blockage of this drainage pathway leads to a consistent and continuous epiphora which tends to become sticky and thick over time. Thus, it can lead to recurrent episodes of acute infections which present with a swelling in the medial canthal region (acute dacryocystitis). Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is recognized as the most suitable treatment for patients with obstruction of the lacrimal system at the level of the sac or the nasolacrimal duct. This operation aims to create a bypass between the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity. Traditionally, this was achieved by performing an external DCR using an external skin incision. But over the past two decades, we have seen advances in rigid endoscopic equipment, which have led to the development of a safer and less-invasive technique, namely, endoscopic DCR for treating symptomatic lacrimal apparatus disorders. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the lacrimal system, dacryocystitis etiology and management. It delves into the indications for surgical intervention and compares traditional external DCR with the less-invasive endoscopic DCR technique. By detailing postoperative care, this chapter aims to offer a streamlined approach to understanding and treating symptomatic lacrimal apparatus disorders.










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