Z. Sithole Moses,I. Agholor Azikiwe,M. Ndlovu Shalia
Ecosystems play a huge role in support of human life, this is evident through their provision of food, fiber, water and fuel. However, these potentials are reduced through human activities, which comes with the lack of conservation of our forests. Deforestation is one of the major issues as far as sustainable development is concerned. Deforestation contributes towards soil erosion, particularly, in forests across the world. Soil erosion deprives human beings of the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of harvesting the forests’ potential towards supporting human life, which includes the release of oxygen and the uptake of carbon dioxide. Thus, the concept of conservation agriculture becomes of paramount importance. Hence, this paper explored the implications of Conservation Agriculture in Forest management and evaluated policies in place to promote the adoption and use of conservation agriculture across the globe.