Predictive Control, a Strategy for Dissolved Oxygen Control in a Wastewater Treatment Plant


A. Muñoz Hernandez Jose,Eduardo Leguizamon Luis,Muñoz Hernandez Helmer


This chapter presents a strategy for controlling the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the bioreactor of a pilot wastewater plant (WWTP). The control strategy being developed is model-based predictive control (MPC). To apply the control algorithm, the estimation of the oxygen transfer function (KLa) is first performed, then the model and linearization technique are determined and finally the MBPC controller is designed. The results are simulated in MATLAB® and executed in the plant control and supervision system Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) in LabVIEWTM. This chapter is organized as follows: Section 1 presents a brief introduction, and Section 2 determines and describes the model to be used and its respective linearization, as well as the results obtained for the KLa parameter. Finally, Section 3 describes the design methodology of the generalized predictive control (GPC) controller proposed by Clarke, using the Model Predictive Control Toolbox and the EPSAC strategy developed by De Keyser. It should be noted that the simulations in each of the sections were performed in MATLAB® and executed in the control and supervision system with the MATLAB® script interface in LabVIEWTM.



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