Yarce Botero Andres,Lucia Quintero Montoya Olga,Lopez-Restrepo Santiago,Pinel Nicolás,Edinson Hinestroza Jhon,David Niño-Ruiz Elias,Anderson Flórez Jimmy,María Rendón Angela,Lucia Alvarez-Laínez Monica,Felipe Zapata-Gonzalez Andres,Fernando Duque Trujillo Jose,Montilla Elena,Pareja Andres,Paul Delgado Jean,Ignacio Marulanda Bernal Jose,Andres Betancur Jaime,Vélez Alejandro,Segers Arjo,Heemink Arnold,Ernesto Soto Juan,Esperanza Boada Sanabria Bibiana,Lorduy Sara
This chapter book presents Medellín Air qUality Initiative or MAUI Project; it tells a brief story of this teamwork, their scientific and technological directions. The modeling work focuses on the ecosystems and human health impact due to the exposition of several pollutants transported from long-range places and deposited. For this objective, the WRF and LOTOS-EUROS were configurated and implemented over the región of interest previously updating some input conditions like land use and orography. By other side, a spinoff initiative named SimpleSpace was also born during this time, developing, through this instrumentation branch a very compact and modular low-cost sensor to deploy in new air quality networks over the study domain. For testing this instrument and find an alternative way to measure pollutants in the vertical layers, the Helicopter In-Situ Pollution Assessment Experiment HIPAE misión was developed to take data through the overflight of a helicopter over Medellín. From the data obtained from the Simple units and other experiments in the payload, a citogenotoxicity analysis quantify the cellular damage caused by the exposition of the pollutants.