Ecological Aspects of Tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) in a Gabonese Cattle Ranch


Mélodie Audrey Prisca Ovono,Franck Mounioko,Koumba Christophe Roland Zinga,Aubin Armel Koumba,Silas Lendzele Sevidzem,Audrey Pamela Maroundou,Géneviève Lydie Acapovi-Yao,Joseph Lebel Tamesse,Gustave Simo,Bertrand M’batchi,Jacques François Mavoungou


To embark on an anti-vectorial fight against mechanical vectors of animal trypanosomosis, investigations were undertaken in order to determine the abundance, species diversity and daily activity of tabanids in a cattle ranch in Gabon. The nzi and vavoua traps were used to catch tabanids in three divisions of this ranch. In this study, 616 tabanids were captured: 349 (56.66%) in Division 1, 226 (36.69%) in Division 2 and 41 (6.66%) in Division 3. In the first Division, T. taeniola was the most abundant species with an Apparent Density (ADT) of 2.2, followed by H. pluvialis (ADT = 1.05). In the second Division, H. pluvialis was most abundant with ADT of 1.6, followed by T. taeniola (ADT = 0.38). In the last Division, the most abundant species was H. pluvialis (ADT = 0.15). Comparing the relative abundance of catches with sites (Divisions), we realized that there was no statistically significant difference in catches with trapping sites. It was noticed that Division 3 recorded the highest diversity index values. We realized that the nzi trap recorded higher tabanid catches than the vavoua trap. The diurnal activity rhythm of the most frequent species encountered slightly differed with prospection sites.









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