About 25 years ago, effective methods for dealing with time series models that vary with time appeared in the statistical literature. Except in a few cases, they have never been used for economic statistics. In this chapter, we consider autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models with time-dependent coefficients (tdARIMA) applied to monthly industrial production series. We start with a small-size study with time-dependent integrated autoregressive (tdARI) models on Belgian series compared to standard ARI models with constant coefficients. Then, a second, bigger, illustration is given on 293 U.S. industrial production time series with tdARIMA models. We employ the software package Tramo to obtain linearized series and model specifications and build both the ARIMA models with constant coefficients (cARIMA) and the tdARIMA models, using specialized software. In these tdARIMA models, we use the simplest specification for each coefficient: a simple regression with respect to time. Surprisingly, for a large part of the series, there are statistically significant slopes, indicating that the tdARIMA models fit better the series than the cARIMA models.