1. Rassiah K, Megat Ahmad MMH, Ali Aidy, Sihombing H. 3-D cartesian method in characterisating of mechanical properties of bamboo polyester composite. Advances in Environmental Biology. 2014;8(8):2632-2639
2. Rassiah K, MMH MA, Ali Aidy. Mechanical properties of laminated bamboo strips from gigantochloa scortechinii/ polyester composite. Materials and Design. 2014;57:551-559
3. Rassiah K, MMH MA, Ali Aidy, Tamizi MM. The influence of laminated layer and thickness gigantochloa scortechinii bamboo strips on mechanical performance of unsaturated polyester composites. Life Science Journal. 2015;12(2):182-188
4. Rassiah K, MMH MA, Ali Aidy.. Ballistic impact performance of the layered and laminated composites: A review. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology. 2015;23(2):177-185
5. Rassiah K, Megat Ahmad MMH, Ali Aidy, Abdullah AH, Nagapan S. Mechanical properties of layered laminated woven bamboo Gigantochloa scortechinii/epoxy composites. Journal of Polymer and Environment Springer. 2017:1-15