Rodrigo Carrillo-Marquez Jose,Damian Carrillo-Ruiz Jose
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt to new stimuli, with the objective to overcome and learn how to deal with novel situations. In this chapter, it will be explained the new neurophysiological mechanism that entitles the processes of brains’ plasticity. The intriguing phenomena that surround cognitive mechanisms will be described on a morphological and molecular scale, aiming to understand some of the brains’ functions. The principal objective is to clarify and explain that neuroplasticity can take place in different complex tasks such as adaptative behaviors, memory, learning, and automatic conducts. Also, the evolutionary advantage of forgetting will be deeply discussed. The work will describe the functioning of the brain when adapting to new circumstances that affect the procedures of memory. It will be explained why applying biotechnology and neurobioethics is crucial for merging basic and clinical sciences.