Professional Behavior in Medical Practice


Seifouri Vida


Nowadays, ethical and behavioral responsibilities have been expanded in a range of individual-personal responsibilities to personal-occupational responsibilities. Professional behavior is one of the basic issues in human societies. If a comprehensive definition of ethical principles is provided, professionals in any job can decide what behavior is reasonable and unreasonable and which action is ethical and which is unethical. In the medical community, the discussion of behavior has a special place due to the importance of the medical profession, so medical ethics has a very serious and extensive scientific discussion. If the benefits of observing professional behavior are more comprehensive, the level of commitment to its principles is of a higher degree, and the more reasonable the restrictions imposed due to the principles of professional behavior, the stronger the adherence to it. In this chapter, the definition, importance, characteristics of professional behavior in medicine and its behavioral areas, as well as the methods of teaching professional behavior and its evaluation criteria are discussed. Finally, general guidelines for medical professional behavior are provided.



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