1. Atilla A. Exercises on ISO 9001 Quality Insurance System (ISO 9001) Kalite Güvence Sisteminin Örnekleri. İstanbul: Çağlayan Publications (Kitabevi); 1996. 412 pp
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3. Kothari VK. Testing and quality management. In: Progress in Textiles : Science and Technology. Vol. 1. New Delhi: IFAL Publications; 1999. 543 pp
4. Grover EB, Hamby DS. Handbook of Textile Testing and Quality Control. New York: Textile Book Publishers, Inc; 1960. 614 pp
5. Kobu B. Management of Production (Üretim Yönetimi). 17th ed. Istanbul: Beta Publications (Yay?nevi); 2014. 639 pp