Biological Characteristics of Native Grape Cultivars of Crimean Region and Availability of their Use in Breeding


Levchenko Svetlana,Vasylyk Irina,Volynkin Vladimir,Likhovskoy Vladimir,Polulyakh Alla


In the context of the global climate change, manifested in a rapid increase in environment temperature and a constant increase in freshwater deficiency, the problem of breeding new grapevine cultivars that would correspond to the present-day biosphere conditions emerged. The endurance of native cultivars to adverse soil and climatic conditions and their drought tolerance are of particular value in development of generative breeding. It is known that most of the Crimean native cultivars have a functionally female type of flower, low resistance to biotic environmental factors that affects the stability of fertilization, yield and directly depends on the climatic conditions of cultivation. The adaptive ability of Crimean native grape cultivars is possible to increase by method of hybridization. So, the specific objectives of the study include, definition of agrobiological parameters of native grape cultivars of Crimean region; assessment of vegetative and generative potential; calculation of the profitability of cultivation of Crimean native grape cultivars in comparison with the classic cultivars. The result of the research was the selection of genotypes from the group of native cultivars - traits donors and obtaining hybrids of the first generation, which are improved analogs of the Crimean native cultivars.



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