In Vitro Seed Germination and Seedling Development of Two Avocado Varieties


Aimé Cesaire Elekou Essoh,Perea-Arango Irene,María Suarez-Rodriguez Luis,López-Gómez Rodolfo


Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a tree native to central and eastern Mexico. A basal angiosperm of the Lauraceae family, it produces an oil-rich fruit that is appreciated worldwide for its nutritional value. Mexico is the world’s leading avocado producer. Production is based mainly on the use of rootstocks of Persea americana var. drymifolia, a “Mexican native”. The agronomic characteristics of the rootstock are key to avocado production. This work reports a germination method to obtain seedlings in vitro from two avocado varieties, P. americana var. drymifolia and West Indian P. americana var. americana. With this system, germination success rates of 100% were obtained in a maximum of five days, with homogeneous seedling development. This system could provide rootstock that improves the characteristics of agronomic programs and the selection of genetic material for avocado production.



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