The One-Health Approach to Infectious Disease Outbreaks Control


Ernest Rugarabamu Sima


Close contact between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment provides more disease transmission opportunities. Host characteristics, environmental conditions, and habitat disruption can provide new opportunities for disease to occur. These changes may lead to the spread of existing and new diseases. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, sporozoans, worms, and others cause infectious diseases. Some of these diseases may be prone to explosive outbreaks and may constitute deadly epidemic threats that could rapidly reach pandemic proportions. Drugs and vaccines can successfully control many infectious diseases; however, this is challenged by the lack of facilities and resources. In all parts of the world, infectious disease is an essential constraint to increased human, animal, and environmental interactions. Identifying hot-spot and interventions for prevention while considering the heterogeneity of target diseases to places, population time, or situation is essential. Therefore, successful infectious disease control measures must be based on understanding disease transmission pathways, strengthening surveillance systems, and intervention. Application of the One Health method is a responsive approach to infectious disease control. Much of the One-Health based approach to managing an infectious disease has been utilized with a promising effect on controlling current outbreaks. More deliberate efforts should encourage understanding of disease determinants to analyze infectious disease issues through a One-Health lens. Only through the extensive participation of all related field stakeholders can One-Health truly reach its potential to mitigate infectious disease outbreaks. This chapter reviews utilization of the One Health approach to infectious disease outbreak control.



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