1. Boyce MP. Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook. 4th ed. Oxford: Elsevier Inc.; 2012. 956 p. ISBN: 978-0-12-383842-1
2. Kulikov GG, Thompson HA. Dynamic Modelling of Gas Turbines: Identification, Simulation, Condition Monitoring, and Optimal Control. London: Springer; 2004. 309 p. ISBN: 1-85233-784-2
3. Asgari H, Chen XQ. Gas Turbines Modeling, Simulation and Control Using Artificial Neural Networks. New York: CRC Press, Tailor & Francis Group. 2016. 176 p. ISBN 13: 978-1-4987-2661-0
4. Saravanamuttoo HIH, Rogers GFC, Cohen H. Gas Turbine Theory. 5th ed. Edinburg: Person Education Limited; 2001. 491 p. ISBN 13: 978-0-13-015847-5
5. Saravanamuttoo HIH, Mac Isaac BD. Thermodynamic models for pipeline gas turbine diagnostics. ASME Journal of Engineering for Power. 1983;105:875-884