Astaxanthin Complex as an Antioxidant in Preventing Prawn Blackening or Melanosis


Vinothkumar Renuka,Paterson Janet


Melanosis or blackening in prawns is a common problem faced by seafood markets and industries. The formation of black spots decreases the quality of the prawn, as perceived by consumers, and thus reduces its commercial value. Controlling deterioration owing to blackening therefore poses a major challenge to food scientists. Prevention of prawn blackening is carried out mainly with the use of sulphites. The use of sulphites in food applications is a major problem because of their health-related problems in sensitive individuals. An alternative way of preventing melanosis in prawns without the use of chemicals, especially sulphites is necessary. Recently, the use of natural compounds in food applications is preferred by consumers over the use of artificial chemical additives. The main objective of this study is to perform a preliminary investigation on the inhibitory role of a natural antioxidant, astaxanthin complex against prawn melanosis as a natural alternative to chemicals.



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