The music of everyday life crosses areas whose borders are blurred, takes place on screens and forms part of the trinomial that connects it with the visual and narrative realms. This space of high emotional tension is created with characters, settings, stories and roles, and is of a spectacular nature. All this allows it to provide meaning, which confirms the need for this study. This work looks into audiovisual music and its connections with the narrative, image and story. To perform this approach, we will study the leitmotif, music as a figure and background, diegetic/extra-diegetic music and emotions from the audience’s viewpoint. Furthermore, to explore intermediality we will use a mixed method, with tools that include bibliographic reviews, content analyses and maps. With them, we will carry out relational and specific studies, while analysing the connections between music, image and narrative. This study explores the audiovisual experience and its perceptions through music.
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