Acupuncture, Yoga, Homeopathy, and Apitherapy under the Vibrational Point of View


Meirelles Malusá Gonçalves Josiane,Carmem Fróes Ribeiro Mary,Aparecida Berretta Andresa


Albert Einstein was one of the greatest physicists in recent history and his contributions changed the paradigm of science in the 20th century. From this, it was proposed the understanding that all matter is energy, and we can assume the understanding that the human body is a dynamic energy system. Energy and matter are two different manifestations of the same universal substance from which we are all formed, atoms. It is known that the movement between the constituent parts of the atom (electrons, neutrons, protons and smaller particles) and the forces that connect them, generates energy. Since the atoms are in constant movement, what can be measured is vibration. Therefore, in this chapter, we propose to present some millenary therapies like acupuncture, yoga, apitherapy and, more recently, Homeopathy, under the point of view of vibrational integrative therapies, exploring the hypothesis that through these therapies we can adapt the waves generated in the bodies to transform them into personalized therapeutic agents.



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