Zakirov Khashimovich Salakhutdin,Mukhidova Shabzalovna Zulfiya
This chapter is devoted to the phytochemical study of sesquiterpene lactones of some plants of the Asteraceae family and their biological activity. At the same time, the effective growth activity of sesquiterpene lactones isolated by us from plants of the genus Artemisia was established, which improves the quality and increases the yield of rice, cotton and the productivity of mulberry cocoons. Also, a clear mutagenic, anti-nosema, antiviral and insecticidal activity of the amount of lactones isolated from plants of the genus Centaurea, Acroptilon and Handelia was revealed. A technology has been developed for obtaining biologically active compounds from plant materials and methods for the quantitative and qualitative determination of sesquiterpene lactones in plant materials and extracts.