1. Lesotho, Ministry of Planning. Bureau of Statistics Census results 2016. Maseru, Government Printers; 2016
2. Lesotho, Ministry of Health. Annual Joint Review Report (2009/2010). Maseru: Government Printers; 2010
3. UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund). Lesotho National Budget Brief-Fiscal Year 2018/19. 2018. Available from: https://wwwuniceforg/esaro/UNICEF-Lesotho-2018-National_Budget_Briefpdf [Accessed Date: 27 September 2021]
4. Lesotho, Ministry of Health. Standard Treatment Guidelines for Lesotho. 2nd ed. Maseru: Government Printers; 2017
5. Bertelsmann, S. BTI 2014 - Lesotho Country Report. 2014. Available from: http://wwwbti-projectorg [Accessed Date: 27 September 2021]