New Women Identities Created by Feminist Alternative Media: Inspecting Türkiye


Banu Dalaman Zeynep


This comprehensive study delves into the use of alternative media by women’s rights advocates in Turkey, with a focus on how these media tools have been instrumental in promoting social change proposals. While examining various alternative media tools such as blogs, websites, web portals, and social media, this research highlights the key role that social media plays in supporting women’s organizations and reaching target audiences. The findings of this study are particularly noteworthy, as they suggest that the use of feminist alternative media publishing organs has led to the emergence of a new generation of women’s identity in Turkey. This identity is grounded in the ideals of gender equality and progressive social change, and is a testament to the power of alternative media in shaping public perceptions and attitudes towards women’s issues. Furthermore, this study makes a significant contribution to the existing literature by shedding light on the vital role that alternative media plays in promoting women’s rights and addressing women’s issues in a digital age of globalization. By examining the intersection of women’s identity, alternative media, feminist organizing, social media, and Turkey, this study provides a comprehensive and insightful analysis of a complex and important issue.



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