Omrane Amira,Khalfallah Taoufik,Bouzgarrou Lamia
This work aims to assess thermal stress based on the various measurable thermal stress parameters (wet bulb temperature, air speed, radiation temperature, black globe temperature…). A cross-sectional study was carried in a steel company. The evaluation of thermal stress was made by physical parameters measurment (air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, globe temperature, clothing insulation, metabolism of work) and analyzed according to the International Standard Organization (ISO) 7933 “Analytical determination and interpretation of heat stress using calculation of the predicted heat strain”. Eighty male workers were mean ageed of 37.9 ± 9.25 years. The climatic conditions category was three (meaning a Long-term stress) in 68.18% of the workers and four (Short-term stress meaning the occurrence of health problems within 30 to 120 minutes of exposure) in 30.3% of workers. The long and short-term thermal stress identified in this study spearhead a prevention strategy (automation of manufacturing processes, improvement of the organization of tasks, and the strengthening of medical surveillance of workers).
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