Why Are We Missing the Teeth? Addressing Oral Care Neglect in the Palliative Patient


M. Soileau Kristi


Palliative care is meant to comfort and console the mind, body, and spirit of the individual nearing the end of life to improve the quality of one’s existence. It focuses on those with symptoms and stressors secondary to serious illnesses such as in cancer, pneumonia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, diabetes, and microbial diseases. For several reasons, however, oral care and the consequences thereof in most cases go without notice for these patients. Further, the dentist is rarely, if ever, listed as necessary staff in hospice care programs. Because terminal patients’ symptoms can include depression, pain, anxiety, loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, among other issues, all related to speaking, chewing, and deglutition, this chapter will discuss why care of the mouth and dentition is typically lacking both in at-home and institutional environments, why such care is necessary, and best to meet the oral needs of patients in the later stages of life.



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