Bioengineered Nanoparticle and Environmental Particulate Matter Toxicity: Mechanisms, Regulations and Applications


Sarin Hemant


Bioengineered nanoparticles, and the inorganic fume agglomerates and detritus mineral ores include soft and hard particulates that differ in size distribution, surface properties and metabolites, and in dissolution kinetics. The subtypes of detritus-class microparticulates include the polyhedrally-bonded and ionic mineral- containing, inaddition to the other transition metal -oxide or -silicon oxide forms. Exposure to particle cumuli and any effect modifiers will result in the particulate matter-related disease. The initial observations on exposure-related effects of incompletely combusted products, while the remainder of earlier evidence on the association stems from epidemiologic studies. Both native and combustion composition particulates are associated with pathology, chemically synthesized nanoparticles have been designed for capillary type interstitium-pore selective passive theranostic applicability and high-affinity targeted binding to cell surface proteins with the aim of exterior biocompatibility. In this chapter, the existing knowledge on methodologies for in vitro characterization of particulate matter, systemic biodistribution modeling of pharmacodynamic toxicokinetics and assessment of small molecule chemoxenobiotics efficacy, determination of environmental particulate matter exposure-related causation, standards for air sampling and exposure limits, surveillance monitoring and implementation of bioengineering controls, is covered.









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