Danko Matúš,Hock Ondrej,Šedo Jozef,Hanko Branislav
This chapter presents using of virtual instrumentation for improvement of teaching and demonstration of communication of one of the most popular automotive buses CAN BUS. Virtual instrumentation is used in several ways for easier understanding of communication by using the automotive bus. The first way is a demonstration by visualization of data of programable gateway. The second way of using virtual instrumentation is the visualization of the instrument cluster which is controlled by the student’s development kit with the microprocessor. The visualization is also used for the demonstrational panel which consists of a development kit, instrument cluster, turbocharger, and accelerator pedal. The communication with these components is also visualized. The last usage of virtual instrumentation is controlling real instrument clusters from Skoda and VW vehicles using LabVIEW and CAN BUS interfaces. In both, controlling and visualizing of instrument cluster are used the same messages as in real vehicle, so it is easier for students to understand the structure of communication through automotive buses of the real vehicle.