Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Magnetically Treated Water in the Biocontrol of Nematodes: Experiences in Protected Cultivation Technology


Rafael Vuelta Lorenzo Daniel,María Más Diego Siannah,Montero Limonta Gerardo,Rizo Mustelier Miriela


Cuban agriculture works on a general agroecological pest management scheme, where biological control is of great importance. Traditionally, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been considered as biofertilizers, undervaluing their potential for plant protection. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of AMF as a biological control agent of Meloidogyne incognita in combination with irrigation with magnetically treated water (MTW) in protected cultivation. It was carried out in the Campo Antena protected cultivation unit in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, in the tomato, pepper, cucumber and chard crops. It was determined that AMF inoculation combined with MTW is viable to manage M. incognita populations, in vegetables under protected cultivation conditions, achieving an increase in yields and a decrease in nematode populations. This work supports the results obtained from the selection of promising strains given the type of existing soil. In addition, it provides practical elements that make up a modified methodology for the use of AMF + MTW in the management of nematodes in intensive vegetable production systems under protected cultivation conditions.



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