1. Reconstruction Agency: The existing conditions of the reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster. 30 December 2018. Available from: http://www.reconstruction.go.jp/topics/main-cat1/sub-cat1-1/material/2018.12_michinori.pdf
2. Booklet of tsunami devastated area in Sanriku, from the northern Miyagi Pref. to Iwate Pref., People swallowed by Tsunami, Frontispiece Drawing. Vol. 25 Fu-u-zoku Gaho; 1896
3. Ministry of Restoration. The existing conditions of the restoration. Community Removal Project. Available from: http://www.mlit.go.jp/crd/city/sigaiti/tobou/g7_1.html
4. Created by editing 2005 and 2015 Population Census. Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
5. Miyagi Pref.: The Existing Conditions of the reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster. Available from: http://www.pref.miyagi.jp/uploaded/attachment/307527.pdf