Impact of Occupational Stress and Its Associated Factors on Cognitive, Hormonal and Stress Responsive Protein in Mining Based Industrial Workers


G. Tumane Rajani,K. Pingle Shubhangi,S. Gaikwad Avinash,Ravichandran Beerappa


Rapid globalization and technological advances have transformed the way of working. Occupational stress is psychological and physical condition that has potential to worsen a person’s health in any workplace. Stress related productivity impairment were common in mining industries. Lack of skills, organizational issues, and a social support at workplace can all cause workers to experience stress. Therefore, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and sympathetic nervous system are activated as part of the body’s physiological reaction. Hence chronic stress were linked to digestive, cardiovascular, atherosclerosis, and neurological issues. Numerous studies reported, several biochemical and pathophysiological factors were responsible for occupational, environmental, and workplace depression. This review chapter were included studied from PubMed, Google, book chapters, case reports, and other electronic databases, etc. Total (n = 104) articles were selected related to occupational stress and its impact on biochemical and pathophysiological were experienced in them. Workers who experienced occupational stress underwent pathophysiological changes that leads to changes in the stress hormones, sensitive stress protein and other significant variables. Finally, cortisol, stress hormones, PTH, HO-1, cytokines used as a panel of marker for stressful conditions evaluation in occupational settings. These findings, advice interventions that will be reduce, or eradicate some of these stressors in occupational settings.



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